There are many ways and filters for achieving it and practice makes it perfect. Mastering this skill is for some will be easy and for some difficult. This is easily achieved with a brush that has an effect on it. One of the most popular ones would be using Photoshop.

Blur background photo editor how to#
If you are stuck with a smartphone camera and you can’t or don’t want to invest in a DSLR camera, there are still ways of making your pictures blurry (Check out our tips on How To Take Good Photos With Phone). This technique is, sadly, not so popular and used as the background blur but it can create amazing pictures as well. What I mean by this is that putting something in between your subject and camera and focusing the camera on the subject will leave whatever it is, that is standing closest to the camera, a blurred mass. This is blurred background photography in reverse. Yes, it is not only possible to blur the background of your picture but also the front part. This does not mean that you need to put your subjects face close to the camera to achieve this kind of a blur, in many cases moving your subject one to two meters away from the background will be enough for the camera to distinguish what needs and does not need to be in focus. The easy way of achieving this kind of blur would be by positioning your subject as close to the camera as possible, leaving the camera no choice but to focus just on the subject and automatically blur everything in the background. Since more and more people do their shootings outdoor these days it seems logical why this type of blur is one of the most popular ones. In this case, the background is filled with a lot of unnecessary things that draw the attention away from your main subject and by blurring everything in the background you can get rid of all these problems. Outdoor shooting would be one of, if not, the most popular location to use this kind of a blur. Taking a picture in a room with a white wall behind the subject does not need any background blur since the wall is clean there is nothing drawing the attention away from the subject in the picture.īlurred Background Photography for the Win This kind of a blur really depends on the location you are taking the picture. Probably the most common type of blur is the kind where the background is out of focus leaving the closest or chosen subject sharp. These types of pictures that you get are not necessarily bad, and as we mentioned that few concepts appreciate the sharp picture, the same rule can be applied for these types of blur. Camera movement is a type of blur where in the end result you will get everything blurred except the subjects that were moving at the same speed as the camera itself while taking the picture. Movement blur is where every movement that has been done during the taking of the picture is blurred because the shutter was not fast enough to catch the movement clearly. Did you know that there is more than one way to create a blur effect and that there are different types of the blur? Few types of blur would be: subject-movement blur (or just movement blur) and camera movement blur. Maybe the next few sentences will sound odd to you.

Better Additional Gear! Not All Blur Is Equal.Blurred Background Photography for the Win.Use the lowest F-stop number that your camera allows.A smaller f-stop will create a larger depth of field and be able to separate the foreground and background better, blurring the background. So a f/1.4 will have a larger aperture (hole) than a f/2. And while it may sound confusing, the larger the f-stop, the smaller the f-stop. Aperture is measured in f-numbers (Ex: f/1.4), known as "f-stops".Aperture is the size of the hole in the lens through which light travels, similar to the pupil of an eye.The aperture setting is identified by an "A" and sometimes an "Av" on certain Canon models.
Blur background photo editor professional#
Professional Wedding Photographer Expert Interview. Turn the dial so that the aperture priority setting is selected. You will find a circular dial, usually on the top of your camera, that has several shooting options such as "Auto". Set your DSLR camera to the aperture setting.